Miles for the week: 5 (1/4)
4 miles: 49:15, average HR 165
Weight: 119
didn’t do resting HR or fitness test
Mixed-up busy week, I gave blood Tuesday which was also Election Day so I had to leave early, and we went away for the weekend so I tried to do my long run Friday. Giving blood messes with my running for quite a while, although one theory is that like training at high altitude, donating blood can eventually make your red cells bounce to higher levels than they would otherwise. I notice a strong effect from donation for at least 3 or 4 days, but it seems to go away within a week. I did schedule myself to give again at the beginning of August, when my training will be well underway; but by marathon day maybe I’ll be benefitting from the red cell spike! Anyway, the four-mile run Friday morning (I didn’t have time for 5 miles) was very hard. I ran to the State Game Lands which start across the valley from where we live, all the way to a beautiful little trail maintained for hunters (so it’s not a nice loop, just a dead end). I was excited that it’s just a little more than 2 miles from our house to the end of the trail, so that’s a good 4-miler. 2 very very steep hills (our cross-country cyclist friend Talbot said that the road was harder to bike than the Continental Divide!) up and down, so good hill training. Saw the first Canadian goslings, just hatched; three flickers squabbling and chasing each other; flowering grass (sedge actually) with fuzzy yellow blooms; bluets (also known as “Quaker Ladies” or “Innocence”–very evocative names! they are the mystery patches of white I see on lawns while driving at this time of year, that almost look they they hover above the grass because their stems are so thin); violets.
I am finally registered for Steamtown! There are currently 13 people whose last names start with C registered. One of them is also from Friendsville, which is amazingly coincidental.