Monday morning was my massage, and it really seems to have helped. The massage therapist (Therese Rood, Professional Massage Services, Great Bend PA, highly recommended!) focused on my right thigh & left knee since I told her those were the most troublesome spots. But she worked me all over too and it alternately felt great and hurt in a good way. Surprising things: how many painful knots were in my forearm near the elbow; my calves didn’t seem to have any knots or tightness at all; my left side was more ticklish.

Unfortunately I didn’t sleep well at all Sunday night and my throat started feeling a little funny. By Monday afternoon I could feel some kind of cold or virus coming on. I tried to head it off by taking it easy that night and asking Jonathan to bring home some grapefruits (they are like a magic potion for me when I’m getting sick). I was just reading somewhere (Hal Higdon’s site, maybe?) how many marathoners get a cold the week before the race. I can see after, but why before? Argh! I can’t be sick now!

Tuesday, October 5
Short run, 3 miles; about 30 minutes

I felt somewhat better in the morning. My right thigh did not hurt AT ALL, so clearly the massage helped. A hard frost and the sun was still below the horizon–brrr! I wore a long-sleeve cotton T because I don’t have anything technical that’s longsleeved. But for only 3 miles, big deal! (I guess that’s something to look for at the Expo on Saturday, though.) I warmed up quickly and the run felt good, although plenty of nose running. (J said “You’re training so hard for the marathon, even your nose is running.”)

I’ve continued to fend the cold off and I think/hope the worst is over. If I catch that feeling of getting sick quickly enough, and I rest and do the Vitamin C thing, I often do seem to be able to nip it in the bud. Not that a cold’s going to stop me now anyway, but it would sure be a bummer.

The weather’s shaping up well for Sunday; right now they’re saying low 42 high 59, mostly clear.

I’ve packed my waistpouch:

  • gels
  • ibuprofen
  • tissues
  • moist towlettes
  • a pair of socks (complete with Two Toms blister powder) to change into at mile 20–the yellow ones because the are the most energizing!
  • bandaids
  • $20 bill

I’ll add my credit card and driver’s license Sunday morning, and a laminated card I’m going to work on with my goal splits etc. Phone card info too. I’ll pack my big bag before the weekend too, so there’s less to do Saturday.

I am so excited and nervous!

Oh, and I got a brand-new Forerunner in a box complete with all the accessories that I didn’t send back (I just sent the unit), so now I have doubles. I’ll email Garmin and see if they want them back… otherwise it’s nice to have spares in case something breaks.

4 thoughts on “

  1. I’ve also found Quercetin (sp?) with vitamin C stops colds in their tracks! Have a great race. You’ve prepared well! Hey, have fun, too.

  2. Good Luck Hilary. I wish you the best and I know you’ll do great! It sounds like you’re ready in every way.

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