Thursday Oct. 7
Short run, 3 miles, 31:12; splits 10:20, 10:55, 9:57
Yep, the Forerunner’s back–I had to remind myself how to set it for my preferences, but I did. (and right this sec I’m going to turn off auto-pause for the marathon, and turn off auto lap trigger–should I? yes, that way if the Forerunner’s measure is off, my times will still be OK; but I set it to alert every 1/2 mile) A good run, my last!!!! until Sunday. Foggy but not frosty, another in an unbroken series of beautiful fall days. It’s like the weather is trying to make up for summer.
Today (Friday Oct 8)
Walked 3 miles
Walking sure seems slow! If I’d thought more about it, I wouldn’t have just dumbly followed my normal 3-mile route–I could have gone for a proper hike. Oh well. The boxer and lab at the top of Schoolbus Hill barked but didn’t make it all the way down the driveway by the time I’d passed by, even at walking pace, same on the way back; they are old & tired I guess, but I was sorry not to actually get to greet them. I brought my camera and tried to capture some fall foliage–haven’t downloaded the photos yet to see if I succeeded.
It’s really close now! I still have quite a few preparations to make: packing the big bag, making my pace card, having J. write my name on my shirt. (more on that tomorrow!) Bag pack list:
- Towel, soap, shampoo, conditioner (showers are available at a high school after the race, which is really nice–but only if I finish with enough margin)
- Warm clothing (long-sleeve T, hoodie, maybe gloves)
- Body glide
- Garbage bag
- Sunscreen
- Stretching rope
- Granola bars (for 7am snack; real energy bars might be better but I haven’t been too impressed by the ones I’ve tried)
I’ve laid out my clothes & Forerunner, but will still need to pin on my bib number, tie on the chip, and put blister powder in the socks.
Thanks everybody for all the nice comments!