Tuesday, 3 miles; Thursday, 5 miles; Friday, 3 miles.
It’s harder to get up and run a shorter distance, I’m finding! Not sure why, although partly it’s that since the equinox the mornings are getting darker and darker. We have a light alarm, which helps a lot, but I still have a hard time getting out of bed when it’s dark outside. Both Tuesday and Thursday were rainy, too, so that added to the murk. The taper is also making it hard, because the runs don’t seem as crucial. I’m not exactly antsy, not on a conscious level, but I’m very glad the big day is coming soon!
I’m not as full of energy nor as empty of aches and pains as I expected. Still a whole week to get even more rested. I have a massage scheduled for Monday. It’s a gift certificate that I hadn’t used; I’ve had one massage previously in my whole life, and it felt good for me but wasn’t something I was eager to rush out and do again. But a couple of places recommend getting one 3-6 days before, so now’s a good time to use that gift certificate.
The Steamtown staff are sending out more frequent emails now. I love getting the little tidbits, and each ends with an inspirational quote. At the Expo there’s now a guy talking about changing his life with running at 1pm, followed by a talk on the course at 2pm, so I’m really looking forward to next Saturday!
This morning’s run was lovely. It was very, very foggy near home, to the point that I had to step into the ditch when cars approached because they probably couldn’t see me. Once I started up Schoolbus Hill, the fog started to clear. At the crest I could see bright golden sunlight, and running downhill I was dazzled by the rays shining right in my face–but off to the right the sky was so blue that the few skeins of mist looked fluorescent blue, a neat contrast. When I turned around at the bottom of the hill, my shadow stretched out very clear and tall ahead of me. I checked for anything weird-looking in my gait, but it seemed pretty symmetrical and even. Running with the sun at my back brought out the amazing fall colors.
The young Holsteins in the field next to the road were clustered together, most lying down. I said “Good morning, cows!” and two of them got right up–I wasn’t shouting or anything, so I don’t think I startled them. Then I flushed a grouse–not close enough to startle me too much, just close enough to admire it.
Although overcast weather on marathon day would be good for coolness etc, my ideal would be partly sunny–I’m just much happier running when there’s sunlight. I don’t like sun beating down on me, so clouds and sun would be perfect…
This evening I heard that Kara, whom I met through this blog (also using NRMT) and whose marathon is one week after Steamtown, strained a muscle. She may still be able to run the race, if she rests & if physical therapy goes well, but it’s a scary thing to happen so close to race day. Please send her your good wishes! I would be crushed not to be able to run after all this investment of time and energy.
It’s amazing that this day which I have planned and thought about for so long is so close. I’m a little nervous, but mostly excited. Just 3 more runs (& one walk) before the big day!