Week 15 (10/22-28): total ~19 miles (3.1/5.3/7.8/3.1) – posting 10/29/2018
Avg resting HR: 56
Weight: 112
CityStrides coverage of Northampton: 76%
Another taper week ending in a race: the Toasted Owl Gives a Hoot 5K, a costume-and-dogs-and-dogs-in-costumes fundraiser for the local humane society that I just found out about. It was so much fun—the pre-and-post milling around was way more entertaining than most races, seeing all the cute dogs and creative costumes—and I’m so happy with my time! 30:22 with an average pace of 9:46. It makes me feel like a sub-five-hour marathon is totally within reach if I want to go for it.
I’m puzzled to be subjectively doing so much better than in 2015, and when I go back and look at my pre-marathon training runs, my paces are very close. (Even though I didn’t blog, I can see them in RunKeeper and even get the weather from CityStrides; love the quantified self records!) I wasn’t racing though, which means both that I don’t know how fast I would have been, but also that I wasn’t doing any speedwork. Although the strength training I had ambitiously planned on never happened, I did keep up with the Michigans most weeks that I didn’t have a race.
The long run, just shy of eight miles, sure didn’t feel very long. It was cold and rainy, one of the conditions I’ve been fearful of on marathon day, but it was totally fine. It was also my last chance to reach some new streets; I finished 3 more and hit 76% of Northampton. I thought for sure I’d be closer to finishing, but I underestimated how many are outside of a 3-mile radius. It will be a great project to help avoid post-marathon let-down!