Goals 4 and 25: daily habits

I did really well with Goal 4 from my 101 Goals in 1001 Days list–daily Pilates. And so far I’ve been able to consistently keep it up though I’ve moved to a new habit: picking up my hotspots (FlyLady term) for just 5 minutes. But the hotspot pickup, Goal 25, is proving very difficult. Half-way through the month, I’m only doing it about half the time. It’s only 5 minutes, but I forget, even now that I’ve scheduled it for a specific time (7pm). I guess that’s a sign I really need it and it could be key to starting to conquer my disorganization. I will probably continue to focus on that during February in exchange for something like Goal 26, flossing every day, which I’m succeeding at without focusing on it. I also added Goal 92, moving my blogs to WordPress, because Blogger (on my own server) won’t let me do something simple like put Older Posts/Newer Posts links without a ton of hassle. I’m also wondering again whether I should do the advertising thing. I hate it but if I could add a trickle of income, maybe that would really be good. I am very glad advertising pays for lots of the Web….