Goal 60 follow-up

We finally got the Carl Kasell CD for our outgoing message (about a month ago, I am behind in posting this). Jonathan had to tweak it in order to get it on our voicemail (since it’s phone-based, it had to play loud enough to record well through a handset)–thank you, J, for the tweakage and writing the script, and thank you, Emily Ecton (Wait Wait Don’t Tell Me producer who was my contact), and most of all, thank you, Carl! Script by J. MP3 here (a lot easier than calling us when we’re on vacation!) And here‘s the link to the segment of the show I was on (it’s in my 101 Goals list but hard to find). Other samples of Carl’s messages are on the NPR site here. I encourage anyone who wants to be on Wait Wait to email them at waitwait AT npr.org with a couple of interesting/funny things about yourself. Go for it! It’s fun!